Youth HEAR was founded in 2017 by Harrison Rosen, Jared Engelman, Jesse Lenn, Joel Grunstein and Julia Sussman.

Growing up as the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, the reality of the tragedy was part of the fabric of our everyday lives. Ever-present but seldom acknowledged, the trauma of the not-too-distant past was a fact of life. Frankly, the need to commemorate seemed a little unnecessary. There's no need to remember what can't be forgotten.

Though we would never forget, we realised we had to do what we could to never let the world forget.

But then time did what it always does. As we left school and entered university, our grandparents started looking a little older and a little more frail. For the first time, we were forced to contemplate what the world might look like without them in it.

We realised that our grandparents were living proof of what happened. And that in their absence, we would have a moral obligation to honour their legacy.

Youth HEAR was established to pass on their message to a new generation. To share the stories of survival. To facilitate connection with the tragedy. To learn the lessons. And to reach out to young people with a message of tolerance and vigilance, in the hopes that one day, we might say with confidence: “never again.”


Founding Youth HEAR would not have been possible without the trust and support of the Sydney Jewish Museum and Australasian Union of Jewish Students Susan Wakil Fellowship.

Our growth, action and strength are due to our dedicated team of volunteers supported and empowered by the continued support of our donors.